Electric Control System for small businesses and personal homes
(Collaboration with Greentops Energy: http://energysaver.co.il/)
A Collaboration project with Greentops Energy:
A web based, smart phone supported site for managing and controlling electric usage.
Key benefits:
1. A simple, user friendly UI that can be controlled via any smartphone / tablet / laptop / PC.
2. Online consumption and costs.
3. Online Weekly report.
4.Scheduled delivered reports.
5. Scheduled alerts.
6. Calculates differential costs.
A web based, smart phone supported site for managing and controlling electric usage.
Key benefits:
1. A simple, user friendly UI that can be controlled via any smartphone / tablet / laptop / PC.
2. Online consumption and costs.
3. Online Weekly report.
4.Scheduled delivered reports.
5. Scheduled alerts.
6. Calculates differential costs.